Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A letter to Mother Earth
Dear Mother Earth,
You've been talking to me a lot lately.
I don't understand everything but I know you are there.
So I am going to do my best to listen to your breath.
I am going to open my heart and all my senses to you.
Sometimes I feel so sad when I see what the mankind is doing to you and your creation.
I am not an innocent either in this big massacre and for that I apology.
But I know this is not a message of sadness that you are carrying.
So here I am by your side.
Empty of self-concern, in total trust I offer you my hand.
Take me as your child, your student, your devote.
With humility and love I am listening to you.
Om Shanti.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A letter to Venus
Dear Venus,
I miss seeing you every night.
You had this special place in my day.
And every day I was looking forward to meeting you.
Now there is an empty spot in my sky.
But at the same time you've never been so present and strong in my life.
Showing me the dark side that goes with the bright.
Through the shadow that you reveal, you bring light to maybe see more clearly later.
Sometimes I just don't know what to do with all this "clair-obscur".
Dear planet of love and beauty,
Please be gentle and kind with me.
I am a fragile butterfly.
Om Shanti.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
A letter to a Beloved
Dear Beloved,
I am so deeply in love with you.
As I wake up, my first smile is for you.
You are already in my heart as you never left it.
Holding the rising sun in my palms, I am offering all the light so that your life will never be dark.
I will be the river whenever you need water so that you will never be thirsty.
I will be the seed whenever you need food so that you will never be hungry.
I will be the roof on rainy days and I will be the shade on sunny days.
And if I have to be a warrior to protect you I will fight and fulfill my duty for you to live.
You are a gift from life and I will always honor it, giving it eternal love.
Om Shanti.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A letter to the Ocean, sept 2010
Dear Ocean,
I am wholeheartedly in love with you.
I love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my being.
I am totally devoted to you.
In your water I feel safe.
I feel loved and protected.
You called me and I came.
I needed a home and you guided me to the island.
You offered me the most beautiful refuge in the middle of your waters.
Now I can live in your arms on a boat made of the core of the Earth.
My love is so big that there is even no word to express it.
It is infinite, it is pure.
I will be eternaly grateful.
And before you my beloved, I bow a thousand time.
Om Shanti.
Monday, September 6, 2010
A letter to a little Star
Dear Little Star,
How many wishes I have made upon you?
How many dreams did you hear from me?
Night after night you are there, never fail to shine as the sun sets.
You are there to open the show of the magic of space.
Wherever I am I just have to see you to know where I am in the world as in my life.
But it is when I am sitting by the ocean, gazing in your direction at the end of the day, feeling your witness presence that I know I am at the right place.
You are my lucky star, my happy star.
Seeing you every night is like a goodnight kiss.
You bring me peace and sweet love for a night of rest before another beautiful day on planet Earth.
Om Shanti.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Letter to Mr. Doubt

Dear Mr Doubt,
You know what?
I am not going to listen to you anymore.
I mean I will say "hi" to you because you are like an old friend now, but then I will let you go.
I know that your attentions were good,
that you just wanted to protect me from suffering.
But at the end you cut me from any creativity, life force and faith.
Today my faith is big and maybe big enough to welcome you, smile at you and move on.
You are like the fog, making me forget how blue the sky can be, how sweet life can be.
My inner light was too weak to burn you and wherever I was going there was fog.
But today my sun is shinning and as soon as you touch it you get happily dissolved.
And this sun is the light of faith.
It was a great pleasure to meet you Mr. Doubt but our time is over.
Om Shanti.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Letter to San Bruno Mountain
Dear Mountain,
You stand there, next to me.
You look soo big and strong.
But also sweet and protective.
I am here next to you and can feel your strength.
You are steady and still.
I am by the water but I can only see you.
You look at me, you are telling me something.
Am I supposed to climb your heights?
Are you my ground from where I will be able to take support to fly away for some other land?
You are my friend dearest Mountain and I am listening.
Om Shanti.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Letter to Lady Boat
Dear Boat,
I don't know if I will ever see you again but I will never forget what we shared.
I will never forget your smell, your warmth, the sweetness of your shapes.
My dear Lady, you are so graceful, generous.
You opened your heart to me, you let me melt with you, you listened to me. You talked to me.
I could feel your sweet soul.
I hugged you, you took me in your arms. You received me and found the word to soothe my heart.
We rested together in peace and bound forever.
Now we share this secret connection. I have some of you in me as you have some of me in you.
Forever linked by the blue.
Om Shanti.
Om Shanti.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Letter to France,
Dear France,
You are my birthplace,
I've got some of you in me.
But coming back to your land,
I don't feel at home.
You are beautiful,
You are strong,
You hold many battle and victory,
But it seems foreign to me.
I don't recognize your people.
I don't recognize your waters.
I don't recognize your ground.
I don't recognize your sky.
Am I from here? Is it real? Is it a dream?
Om Shanti.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A letter to the Pacific
Dear Pacific,
Day after day you became my refuge.
Always there, blue, gray, calm, furious you are there.
And I feel you in my blood, flowing in my vein.
You are in me. I am made of you. I am you.
You invited me, you called me and I surrendered.
This is a self abandon.
I melt in you. You are me.
Going away from your flow, I am scared.
Can I do that?
Can I live a day, a week, without your smell, your taste, your strength, your voice?
Take me, swallow me. I am yours.
Om Shanti.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A letter to the Weather
Dear Weather,
So full of surprise, mystery.
So unpredictable.
We try to catch you, master you.
We draw curves, we put you into tabs, charts and statistics.
We reduce you to numbers and probability.
But at the end you are the one who choose.
Either we go with your flow or we fight you.
Either we take your manifestations as a gift or as a threat.
But I know that the happy man will be the one who will be free of any idea, anticipation.
The one who will be able to see equally a drop of rain or a sun beam.
The one who will be able to welcome you as you come and enjoy any opportunity for renewal.
Om Shanti.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A letter to California
Dear California,
When I met you it was love at first sight.
You welcomed me with open arms.
You took me under your wings.
You cherished me, you nourished me.
You soothed my heart to slowly allow me to get in touch with it.
Through the beauty of life you shared with me,
you brought me back to a deep connection with mother Earth.
You showed me the divine in all creation.
Dear California, wherever I go in the future you will stay in my heart for ever.
You are my mother land.
I am your forever child.
Om Shanti.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A letter to Life

Dear Life,
Every morning holds your treasure, your beauty.
Either in a moon crescent, a star, a cloud, the sound of the crushing waves, the salty sea smell, a chirping bird, the wet ground, a sunrise, the color of dawn, the lights of an awaking city, a raccoon crossing a street... all of this is what make you so precious.
And I know this is what I have to take in my heart, hold tight and carry all day long. Nothing else matter.
Gazing at a fading moon as the sun rise I am moved to tears. This is so beautiful. I realize that even if in a few hours and maybe a few minutes I don't see the moon anymore, I know it is still there. Everything is still there because I am alive and I carry the whole world in me.
Om Shanti.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
A letter to the Sun
Dear Sun,
I owe you my life.
Without you there would be no light, no warmth.
There would be no clouds, no rain.
Without you there would be no life.
From the moment you rise to the moment you set, your energy nourishes us.
And even in the night you are still there,
sweetening our dream through the Moon that you share.
Oh dear king of the sky, you are the good wizard of my life.
You are the one who can make me smile when I am sad.
The one who can heal my wound when I am hurt.
The one who can bring me hope when I doubt.
The one who can dry my tears when I cry.
You are the one who knows how to touch my heart.
Om Shanti
Monday, March 29, 2010
A letter to the Mornings
Dear early mornings, sweet mornings, lovely mornings.
There is not a day that you are not offering us one of the precious gift of life.
Either in the song of the birds, the color of a sunrise, the smell of the wet ground, this is bliss.
Still carrying our dream from the night, you bring the promise of a beautiful day.
Between the night and the day, you are a messenger of life as the nature awakes.
You take us from the darkness to the light, from unconsciousness to awareness.
Every day it is with a smile I welcome you and vow to live fully every moment of this new day you give me.
Om Shanti.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A letter to Ms Apple
Dear Apple,
Everything you have to give us is sweetness.
You know how to touch and fill with wonder all of my senses.
Your generosity is your gift.
In your smell I still can see the flower that you were once upon a time.
Your bright colors are there to remind me the sweetness of the autumn days.
But it is when I am about to taste you that a river of pleasure is about to flow.
When with a first bite I penetrate your skin.
When I can hear your flesh cracking under my teeth.
When I can finally taste the sweet flavor of your juice but still with a touch of the bitter of your skin.
Bite after bite you carry me away in some beautiful meadow where everything is love.
Om Shanti.
Friday, March 5, 2010
A letter to the Wind
Dear Wind,
Here and already gone.
Here but unable to catch.
I can only feel you but never see you.
And I like this moment.
When I face you and meet you.
When you blow on every pore of my skin.
When you go through my clothes and make me shiver.
When you fill my lung with the world you are carrying.
I then listen to you, smell you and let me be touch by you.
It is with an open heart that I receive you, welcome you, hug you.
Om Shanti.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A letter to Ms Bee
Dear Bee,
I am writing this letter to express all my gratitude towards your amazing work.
You are a fairy and you allow us to touch one of the treasure of savor.
In the honey I taste, I can feel every flap of your wings that make this happen.
In every drop of this honey there is the flowers, the trees, the sun, the rain, the wind and you.
This is a miracle of life and you are a part of it.
For that I feel humble and thankful.
From the bottom of my heart I bow to you.
Om Shanti.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A letter to the Sea
Dear Sea,
Gazing at the horizon, I know this place.
I've been away for too long and I know soon I will be home.
Together we will embrace the sky and be touched by its colors.
We will flirt with the sun and play with its ray.
We will dance with the wind.
We will carry the moon in our flow and let the stars tickle our surface.
Together we will hold the whole universe.
But for tonight it is with a broken heart I leave your water until next time.
Om Shanti.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A letter to Mr. Pelican
Dear Pelican,
Today one of your brother flew three feet over my head.
He was so close, I felt like a little girl who could just hop on his back for a ride.
He would have carry me away where the sun is always warm.
We would have flirt with the ocean.
Holding him tight, my head against his neck, my arms around him, feeling the majestic movement of his wings through my whole body, he would have been my prince.
I would have whisper him a lullaby.
And together as one we would have cross the world in peace.
Om Shanti.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A letter to a flower
Dear little flower,
Today I had the pleasure to meet you at the beach, hiding in the dunes.
What a surprise! What are you doing there by this cold weather?
You seemed so lonely without your flower sisters!
Oh dear sweet little flower, I just wanted to sit next to you, keeping you company.
Together waiting for warmer days, waiting for the spring sun to come
when everything comes back to life,
when your petals open to let the light touching your heart,
when your colors shine and remind us how beautiful and precious is this world.
Until that time I will carry you in my prayer.
May the winter be kind with you.
Om Shanti.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A letter to Mr. Crow
Dear Mr. Crow,
Looking at you on this stormy day, you seem having so much fun!
I see you flying high, up and down, looping, turning...
Looking at you I can feel the topsy turvy mouvement in my own body! This is good.
Please give me some wings. I want to join you.
I want to feel the wind blowing on my feathers.
I want to play with the wind and you.
You seem so free, so light.
Please let me touch the sky with you.
Om Shanti.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A letter to the Ocean
Dear Ocean,
Looking at you I could just walk into your water in full confidence;
Letting you surrounding me, finally surrendering myself.
Sparkling smell of your marine air.
Rumbling of your crushing waves.
You are the one I want to live with.
You are the one I want to fall asleep with.
Please let me be a part of you,
Let me be one with you.
Om Shanti.
Friday, January 8, 2010
A letter to the New Year
Dear Year 2010,
I've heard so much hope placing on you. You have a big responsability!
You are the one who is supposed to heal, to care, to make people happy.
The world was waiting for you and here you are, following your Year sisters.
Will you be good to us?
But I know your secret dear Year 2010! You are just our own creation.
We are the artist that give shape and color to your existence.
You carry our mistake and success, our sadness and joy.
My hope is that we will be good to you. That there will be enough love, wisdom and peace in the world to make you shine and light the following years.
Om Shanti.
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