Thursday, January 28, 2010

A letter to a flower

Dear little flower,
Today I had the pleasure to meet you at the beach, hiding in the dunes.
What a surprise! What are you doing there by this cold weather?
You seemed so lonely without your flower sisters!

Oh dear sweet little flower, I just wanted to sit next to you, keeping you company.
Together waiting for warmer days, waiting for the spring sun to come
when everything comes back to life,
when your petals open to let the light touching your heart,
when your colors shine and remind us how beautiful and precious is this world.

Until that time I will carry you in my prayer.
May the winter be kind with you.

Om Shanti.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A letter to Mr. Crow

Dear Mr. Crow,

Looking at you on this stormy day, you seem having so much fun!
I see you flying high, up and down, looping, turning...
Looking at you I can feel the topsy turvy mouvement in my own body! This is good.

Please give me some wings. I want to join you.
I want to feel the wind blowing on my feathers.
I want to play with the wind and you.

You seem so free, so light.
Please let me touch the sky with you.

Om Shanti.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A letter to the Ocean

Dear Ocean,

Looking at you I could just walk into your water in full confidence;
Letting you surrounding me, finally surrendering myself.

Sparkling smell of your marine air.
Rumbling of your crushing waves.

You are the one I want to live with.
You are the one I want to fall asleep with.

Please let me be a part of you,
Let me be one with you.

Om Shanti.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A letter to the New Year

Dear Year 2010,

I've heard so much hope placing on you. You have a big responsability!
You are the one who is supposed to heal, to care, to make people happy.
The world was waiting for you and here you are, following your Year sisters.
Will you be good to us?

But I know your secret dear Year 2010! You are just our own creation.
We are the artist that give shape and color to your existence.
You carry our mistake and success, our sadness and joy.

My hope is that we will be good to you. That there will be enough love, wisdom and peace in the world to make you shine and light the following years.

Om Shanti.